We offer services in all areas of Maritime Security and Safety to companies of all sizes in a wide variety of industries. Some of our available services are listed below.
Security Plan Drafting and Auditing – Writing a Facility Security Plan? Don’t have time to waste learning to overcome the 26 pages of check-offs in USCG NVIC 03-03 CH 2 your Plan will need to pass in order to gain approval? We were drafting these Plans before it was issued, and have been doing so ever since. Our Plans, as submitted, have become an industry standard by CG reviewers. And you have the reassurance of knowing that we are in our fourteenth year of business and will still be “on the job” until long after your Plan is approved!
Maritime Security and Safety Training – Our Combined Vessel, Company, and Facility Security Officer Course has received approval from the U.S. Coast Guard’s National Maritime Center. We have been providing this training for over
– The Vessel & Company Security Officer (VSO, CSO) sections of the courses satisfy applicable requirements, and the following approval was granted subject to the conditions specified below:
Any applicant successfully completing the VSO, CSO and VPDSD(Vessel Personnel w/ Designated Security Duties) parts of the course will satisfy;
· The training requirements of 33 CFR 104.210 for Company Security Officer;
· The training requirements of 33 CFR 104.215 for an STCW endorsement as Vessel Security Officer;
· The training requirements of 46 CFR 12.625(a)(1) and STCW Table A-VI/6-2 for an STCW endorsement as a Vessel Personnel with Designated Security Duties (VPDSD);
· The competencies of the STCW Code, as amended 2010, Table A-VI/5
-The Facility Security Officer (FSO) section of the course was reviewed U.S. Coast Guard NMC and found to meet the standards of competence provided in 33 CFR 105.205, International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS) Code Part A/2.1.8, ISPS Code Part A/17, and International Maritime Organization (IMO) Port Facility Security Officer (PFSO)(2015 Edition).
USCG listing see: https://www.dco.uscg.mil/portals/9/NMC/pdfs/courses/courses.pdf> and search for course under MARSEC Corporation.
Reasons to choose MARSEC Corporation Courses over those of our competitors;
Port Security Training– All levels of training are available from Marsec Corporation from those needing basic Security Awareness (33 CFR 104/225 & 105.215) through the most senior staff levels. All are derivatives of our USCG -Approved Vessel, Company, and Facility Security Officer Course.
(1). Graduates receive certification in all three positions
(2). Our Approved Courses are two days in length (except as otherwise required by the customer) – the minimum allowed under USCG rules, yet they cover the same material and meet the same standards as the often much longer Courses of our competitors. Days YOU pay for both in training costs and employee man-hours!
(3). Learn from the professionals. Our qualified instructors are retired USCG officers or leading industry professionals. No one knows more about what it takes to meet the regulatory requirements.
Facility Response Plan development; Another killer of your valuable time. You have much better things to do than to ensure that every line item for a Plan developed to meet 33 CFR 154 is written to meet the regulations. So, the question becomes, wouldn’t you much rather put this work into the hands of those who write them for a living?
Other services available from MARSEC Corporation:
Hazwoper First Responder – (OSHA Regulation 29 C.F.R. 1910.120) – properties of hazardous chemicals,
hazard recognition and assessment and evaluation, PPE, notifications, response, industry.
Safety- Develop a company or site-specific safety plan.
Response- From how to respond to managing an incident.
Grant Development- Develop a grant application under agency requirements
Incident Command System– The National Interagency Incident Management System levels 100-400 are taught. Includes exercise development and management. Items of discussion include emergency response key elements such as pre-emergency planning, personnel roles, line of authority, training and communications, safe distances, site security, evacuation routes, decontamination, emergency first aid, response procedures, PPE, critique of response, labels, placards and Material Safety Data Sheets.
MARSEC Corporation will tailor our Courses to suit your need. Examples of customized courses include: Technician, General Site Worker, Safety Officer.